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Houston Luxury Real Estate Articles and insights to the Houston area luxury home real estate market as observed by local luxury home expert Mark A. Fuller.

Just For Fun

Anatomy of Temptation: My Spiritual Lesson for Today - too awesome to keep to myself

Anatomy of Temptation:  The cravings of the flesh, the lust of our eyes, the pride of self - these are the impulses and temptations that compete with the holiness of our God.  The enemy has done a masterful job of painting or coloring these impulses brightly and painting holiness blandly.  He doesnt want the latter to have any appeal because it would result in a glory he cant stand.  It would honor God  and it would fullfill the image of God in us - and the enemy hates this! The deception of false moralities and misplaced values can thoroughly undermine the experience of salvation.  We should never let ourselves be seduced by anything but the good love of God.  Amen!   From "Walk with God"  by Tie Green.